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Stress Less

With the holiday season upon us, we are likely to experience a lot of stress. In fact, the American Psychological Association (APA) found that stress indicators are higher during the holidays due to a variety of reasons, such as finances, familial obligations, and holiday preparation, and that women tend to take on much of the stress of preparation. If you feel stressed during the holidays and are looking for some relief, the Common Market has a few options.


According to Healthline, Ashwagandha is reported to block stress pathways in the brain, and studies have shown it can reduce symptoms in individuals with stress and anxiety disorders. The Common Market currently has golden milk from Garden of Life, which combines turmeric with ashwagandha in a coconut water base. It can be drunk hot with milk or used in baking. Here is an article on the benefits of Ashwagandha in women specifically.


Otherwise known as Holy Basil, tulsi may reduce anxiety and associated depression in individuals with anxiety. However, as with any herb or supplement, there may be side effects, so be sure to consult your doctor before using. This particular herb is available as a tea or in capsule form. The Common Market currently carries Organic India’s Tulsi tea blends and Oregon’s Wild Harvest capsules.

So if the holiday season has you already feeling a little more frazzled, stop by the Common Market to relieve that stress. If you need some help finding the best herb or supplement for your needs, our Wellness Stewards would be happy to help.